Trash Pick up - Monday and Thursday - Bulk – Thursday - Recyclables – Wednesday. Village Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each Month starting at 7:30 PM. 2025 Parking Stickers available starting March 5, 2025, $400 to purchase.
Join The Village Garden & The Beautification Committee for a free, engaging, and eye-opening presentation.
“This Place Is For The Birds!” – The Necessity For Native Plants
By Joy Cirigliano
Natural Historian and Ecosystem Specialist
Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:30 PM
A Free Zoom Presentation – No Registration Required
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A question and answer session will follow the presentation.
About the lecture and our speaker
Joyann Cirigliano, Habitat Specialist, President-Four Harbors Audubon, Proprietor, Joy’s Forever Endeavor, NWF-CWLP, CNLP
Many property owners and landscapers want to help the planet by adding Native plants to their managed landscapes, but let’s face facts – some Native plants can look downright sloppy, which makes our neighbors rather unhappy. Then again, it really doesn’t have to be that way, if well-mannered plants with the correct habits are chosen. Sadly, because of habitat loss, climate change and other issues, our wildlife numbers are in steep decline. By using our landscapes, we can help our wild aerial and terrestrial neighbors increase their numbers. Becoming a good environmental steward by designing and installing sustainable, eco-friendly and attractive environmentally functional landscapes can help restore balance and create safe harbors for wildlife in otherwise sterile environments. By blending aesthetics and ecology, with thoughtful consideration toward plant selection, landscapes that are both very attractive and highly environmentally beneficial can be created. Please bring any questions, curiosity, and an open mind.
Topics covered:
Joyann Cirigliano is a Natural Historian and Ecosystem Specialist. She has been “running through the woods” since the age of 6 and “playing in the dirt” since the age of 8. She holds a certification for both Certified Nursery and Landscape Professional (CNLP), and National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Landscape Professional (NWF-CWLP) and she is an approved Pesticide trainer for NYS DEC, for Ornamental Horticulture, Turfgrass and Native Plants, where she teaches how not to use pesticides and still control issues. Her own company, Joy’s Forever Endeavor, an Ecoscaping Garden Design & Mentoring business specializes in native plants and ecosystem services/repair. Joy is very involved with all levels of the Audubon Society from the local chapter to Audubon New York and National Audubon. Her focus is in ecosystem connectivity and functionality, conservation, advocacy, and native plants. When asked whether she prefers flora or fauna, her response is, “I prefer canines – except when they eat my raspberries!”
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