Trash Pick up - Monday and Thursday - Bulk – Thursday - Recyclables – Wednesday. Village Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each Month starting at 7:30 PM. 2024 Parking Stickers available starting March 3, 2025, $400 to purchase.
While it’s our first season in the garden, we’ve got big plans. Yes, we understand that there are no guarantees that everything will grow as planned or that we may face some unexpected (or expected) pests and challenges- but it’s going to be great fun with more rewards and wonderful experiences than setbacks! Plus, there’s something for everyone in the garden.
Whether your planting, weeding, harvesting, sharing recipes, giving a presentation, rustling up breakfast during work sessions, keeping track of supplies, helping at special events or in the children’s garden bed, there are infinite ways you can join the fun!
And, even before we get out into the garden in April, we’ll be starting many of our edible crops and flowers from seeds and will need your help.
Here’s a list of just some of the fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers we’re planting this first season:
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